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General Hospital Is Finally Going To Tell Us Where Jason’s Been! Here’s When the Must-See Episode Will Air

Regarding Steve Burton’s comeback as Jason, is there one thing that General Hospital has done perfectly? launching him headlong into the action. Too frequently, soap operas attempt to postpone this kind of comeback by having the main character skulk around and spy on their loved ones until the inevitable time comes to disclose their resurrection.

However, in terms of Jason’s comeback, it was not going to work. It’s not like this is the first time the character has risen from the grave, after all. So shrewdly, when we first met Jason, he was right in the thick of things, raising eyebrows as he seemed to be one of the individuals instigating Sonny’s attacks! There are still two very important concerns that need to be addressed: where has Jason been for the past two years, and why has he returned now, with Carly being steadfast in her confidence that Jason would never, ever harm Sonny?

The favorable tidings? It won’t be long before we learn just what the heck is going on. Since everyone assumed Jason had died (again) after the tunnel collapse, he will be explaining his whereabouts on Thursday, March 14. That’s just the start of the voyage; it’s unclear if it will provide us a better understanding of his alleged attempts on Sonny’s life. Because Patrick Mulchaey and Elizabeth Korte, the new headwriting team, have taken over for Chris Van Etten and Dan O’Connor, whose work is set to premiere any day now, Burton has interestingly acknowledged that this isn’t the plot he signed on for.

Sam and Elizabeth, the two most important women in Jason’s life, are both at key turning points in their lives. While Sam’s present beau Dante battles for his life, she has recently learned that her ex-boyfriend is still alive, and Elizabeth, while not knowing of Jason’s reappearance, is enjoying a stable relationship with Finn. Something tells us that this seismic development may put both of these women—and their relationship—on shaky foundations shortly!

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