You are currently viewing Emmerdale spoilers: Tom steps up control of Belle as he tracks her every move on app

Emmerdale spoilers: Tom steps up control of Belle as he tracks her every move on app

Tom’s got an app for that

According to the most recent spoilers for Emmerdale, manipulative Tom King is still controlling his wife Belle by following her wherever she goes using a phone app.

Since their recent marriage, Tom has become more abusive towards Belle. He emotionally blackmailed her on their wedding day, made her have a difficult talk about her history with Angelica King, and used gaslighting and sarcastic remarks to punish her for imagined transgressions.

Tom has become even more enraged with Belle’s attempts to rekindle their marriage in recent weeks, as he brutally put an end to her intended surprise at work.

But how much abuse will Tom go through?

Tom and Belle’s marriage has been a volatile one so far (Credit: ITV)

Tom uses an app on his phone to track Belle as he tries to exert control over her every step. Then, he surprises Belle with a new family member as he intensifies his efforts to keep her under his control.

But will her response elicit Tom’s erratic rage once more?

See our complete Emmerdale spoilers for this tale below.

Tom’s keeping track of Belle (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale spoilers: Tom has Belle under his thumb

Tom gets an app on his phone that tracks Belle’s whereabouts as the narrative progresses. But given that Belle is always watched, how long until she catches Tom’s wrath again?

Tom knows exactly where Belle is… and won’t be happy with whatever she gets up to (Credit: ITV)

Subsequently, Tom gives Belle a rescue puppy as a present. But it doesn’t take long to realise that this is merely another ruse to keep Belle in the area where he can watch her.

But what will he do when Belle won’t quit her work to take care of their new pet?

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