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Emmerdale’s Eric Pollard has close call as he searches for evidence against Amit Sharma

ITV has leaked spoilers for Emmerdale, which reveal that Eric Pollard turns to covert means to establish Amit Sharma’s guilt.

Eric Pollard tries to warn Jai Sharma about Amit Sharma in Emmerdale (Image: ITV)

In episodes that will run next week, Eric Pollard (Chris Chittell) of Emmerdale is keen to gather evidence against Amit Sharma (Anil Goutam) for the death of his brother Rishi Sharma (Bhasker Patel). He is shaken when Amit sternly tells him to get out of his affairs, according to official teasers made public by ITV, but he is determined to keep looking.

Vinny Dingle (Bradley Johnson), who takes Amit’s keys to Holdgate and exhorts Eric to investigate what evidence he can find there, helps him in his quest. When Pollard arrives at the farm, he enters surreptitiously and becomes anxious about passing the scene of Rishi’s death.

Vinny tries to occupy the ever-more-skeptical Amit in the meantime. His conversation just keeps going round in circles, so his attempts to divert himself are a complete failure.

Amit then leaves Hide, certain he is being tricked by the unexplained loss of his keys, raising doubts in his mind. Vinny, in a state of desperation, calls Eric in an attempt to alert him.

Sadly, he has silenced his phone and is still rummaging through Amit’s Holdgate files in search of a killing hint. It appears that Eric will be caught in the act if he doesn’t check his phone quickly as Amit makes his way towards the farm.

Eric Pollard ignores a chilling warning from Amit Sharma in Emmerdale (Image: ITV)

Subsequently, Eric makes the decision to come clean and begs Jai Sharma (Chris Bisson) to accept his concerns regarding Amit.

But after running into a brick wall, he is dismissed by a sympathetic Jai, leaving him feeling completely defeated.

Eric and Vinny worry they’ve pricked the bear and infuriated the killer even more by having someone listen to their charges.

Will they be able to catch him in the end, or will he keep getting away with it?

Jai Sharma refuses to listen to Eric Pollard’s accusations against Amit (Image: ITV)

Last July, Rishi was discovered deceased at the base of the steps, having missed the marriage of Jai Sharma and Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy).

Prior to his passing, Rishi informed Jai that Amit was actually his father and that his brother had an affair with his wife. This was the last time Rishi had ever been honest with Jai about his true father.

Although Amit has already acknowledged that he was a covert witness to the death, many believe that he shoved the victim down the steps.

His brother was a benficiary in his will, which meant he had means and motivation, thus he benefited immensely from his death.

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