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Emmerdale’s Tom King loses control in a fit of rage as Belle’s lie ‘exposed’

Viewers of Emmerdale may expect to see a more aggressive aspect of Tom King as his wife’s horrifying abuse continues.

Official ITV soap opera spoilers indicate that Tom King (James Chase) of Emmerdale will increase his abuse of his wife Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) starting next week, to the point where he will explode in forthcoming scenes.

Scenes that will appear next week show Tom becoming upset when he receives a message from Belle informing him that she would be arriving home late from work. He discovers Belle is lying to him, however, when he looks at his tracker app.

Tom, who is watching her in a moving automobile, is furious that she is hiding her location from him. Later, after telling her husband that she’s still working, Belle begins to feel bad.

Tom makes the decision to act after realising that Belle and her pals are indeed at the Hide. As soon as he enters the Hide, he sees Belle having an absolute blast.

Tom pretends to be okay with Belle remaining out, despite his best efforts to keep his latent hostility hidden behind a smile. But when he gets back home, his actual emotions surface.

In upcoming scenes, Tom King from Emmerdale is expected to lose his cool. (Photo: ITV)

Tom becomes unstable due of his inability to manage Belle’s life, and in a fit of wrath, he destroys the whole building.

With the way that Tom’s abuse seems to be becoming worse, people are worried for Belle’s safety.

One social media user posted on Twitter, saying, “Both Eric & Belle are in danger.”

Belle lies to Tom about where she really is (Image: ITV)

@mckcait25 “Belle, run while you can,” was tweeted.

Tom becomes unstable due of his inability to manage Belle’s life, and in a fit of wrath, he destroys the whole building.

With the way that Tom’s abuse seems to be becoming worse, people are worried for Belle’s safety.

One social media user posted on Twitter, saying, “Both Eric & Belle are in danger.”

@mckcait25 “Belle, run while you can,” was tweeted.

Will Tom end up hurting his wife as his abuse escalates? (Image: ITV)

But the soap opera star hinted that if Tom isn’t cautious, he may be in danger.

Actress Eden Taylor-Draper remarked, “I don’t know what it would take for her to realise she needs to get out,” in an interview with Digital Spy.

“If you cause trouble for even one Dingle, it affects them all.” The Dingles will be furious if and when they discover the truth.”

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