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Coronation Street fans spot major clue Joel Deering is involved in Lauren Bolton’s ‘murder’

Joel could be connected. (Image: ITV)

Fans of Coronation Street are agog about Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) disappearance.

A few weeks earlier, the unhappy young lady told Roy (David Neilson) that she was leaving Weatherfield to begin a new life elsewhere, and then she seemed to disappear out of thin air.

An inquiry was started when Lauren’s worried friends alerted the authorities and DS Swain (Vicky Myers) and Craig (Colson Smith) discovered blood in Lauren’s apartment.

As things stand, we have no idea where Lauren is or even whether she is still alive. Due to his role in Lauren’s life, Roy Cropper is still the top suspect at this time. However, the majority of Weatherfield locals, including ourselves, think the adored café owner had nothing to do with the character going missing.

Though there are always suspicions floating about, people are still leery of Joel Deering (Calum Lill), the love interest of Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown).

It’s interesting to note that Dee-Dee, who is in love, first met Joel, the duty attorney, in the police station in September after Joel assisted Lauren in receiving a warning for damaging Audrey’s salon.

Although Joel and his hidden lover have received a lot of attention lately, some ITV soap opera viewers think he is part of Lauren’s plot.

‘I always believed Joel was Nathan’s brother maybe that was involved in the grooming case with Bethany,’ a puzzled fan said in a Facebook post on a Coronation Street page. And what Bethany received was a necklace.

Supporters think Joel gave Lauren the roses. (Image: ITV)
Is Joel withholding anything else from Dee-Dee? (Image: ITV)

Another made a fascinating observation, mentioning the bouquet of flowers Lauren had gotten in February: “Didn’t Dee-Dee and Lauren get the same Valentine’s Day flowers too?”

Joel gave Dee-Dee some flowers in the episode that aired on February 16; they weren’t exactly the same as Lauren’s, but they were quite close.

In addition to these tenable possibilities, a Facebook group member made reference to the gang that also groomed and controlled Max Turner (Paddy Bever) when they said, “It’s more likely to be the far-right group she [Lauren] was involved with though.”

The emphasis of future episodes of the ITV soap opera will be on Roy, who finds himself in yet another terrible predicament when a woman named Alice shows up at the café posing as Lauren’s mother.

Alice hears little Sam (Jude Riordan) assuring Roy that he would always be his closest buddy after she recordings comments in Roy’s living room on camera claiming he is a killer.

When it becomes apparent that the woman is not Lauren’s mother, Roy and Evelyn (Maureen Lipman) go out with Freddie the dog and encounter Alice.

Roy tries to stop Alice as she begins to videotape them, but she stumbles and hits her head.

That evening, Dee-Dee informs Nina (Mollie Gallagher), Shona (Julia Goulding), Evelyn, and Carla (Alison King) that Roy has been charged with Lauren’s murder. This seems to be the straw that breaks the camel’s head.

An absolutely shattered Roy sits by himself in the police cell, his thoughts paralysed with terror.

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