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Coronation Street fans say ‘I want to know’ as they spot major change in Rovers Return

The iconic boozer has seen the best and worst of the street over the years and recently faced a period of closure

Daisy from Coronation Street’s Rovers Return (Image: ITV)

Fans of Coronation Street noticed a significant shift in the Rovers Return and demanded an explanation. The well-known bar has witnessed the highs and lows of the neighborhood over the years, and it was forced to close for a while when landlady Jenny Connor had to sell.

Due to debilitating expenditures during the Cost of Living crisis, Jenny sold the beloved bar to Newton and Ridley. Everything appeared to be going well, as Daisy Midgeley, Sean Tully, Glenda Shuttleworth, and Gemma Winter-Brown helped her continue running the tavern.

The celebrations, however, were short-lived as they learned that Newton and Ridley were being sold to Waterford Incorporated, another business. When the manager of Waterford arrived, he brought the news that the staff contracts had ended immediately and that the Rovers would be closed for a thorough renovation.

In October, when the shocking scenes featuring serial killer Stephen Reid’s final strikes were televised, Daisy was the one who devised a rather illegal plan to reclaim the pub. Daisy managed to gain access to the account containing the money that Stephen had pilfered from Carla Connor’s Underworld after doing some research and discovering his journal, which had been left behind by his mother Audrey Roberts.

Once they persuaded Jenny that they ought to utilize the funds, the two returned the owners and consented to act as covert co-owners. Daisy’s co-ownership has since been revealed, though, and the couple stated that after the bank rejected their loan application, they obtained the funds from Daisy’s mother, Christina.

However, Christina actually continued the lie in an attempt to exert control over her daughter, and this led to Bethany Platt becoming curious when she saw Daisy getting out of Tim Metcalfe’s cab carrying several shopping bags following a significant shopping spree. This is how the truth about where they got the money was first almost revealed.

She was puzzled by Daisy’s extravagant purchases, and when she questioned her about them, Daisy revealed that she had been shopping at charity stores. However, later on, Bethany heard Jenny Connor, the co-owner of the Rovers and a former stepmother, chastise Daisy for appearing to spend too much money.

Later, Bethany and Daisy were spotted calling for a cease-fire, and Daisy even extended an invitation for dinner to her and her ex-husband, Daniel Osbourne. Watchers of the ITV soap watched Bethany arrive early to assist during Wednesday night’s (April 2) trip to the cobbles, only to ruin the host’s dessert.

Daisy decided to head into town, so she asked Ryan Connor to watch over Bethany, who chose to stay and finish preparing dinner. However, Connor didn’t do a good job, since Bethany quickly went shopping, funded her killer uncle’s journal, and pieced together information before attempting to expose Daisy at dinner. Daniel didn’t believe her, so they had to leave.

Fans of Corrie were surprised to see the Rovers kitchen (Image: ITV)

However, the images in the kitchen and back room of the Rover were what really confused Corrie viewers, who hurried to social media to comment on the shift.

“When did the rovers revamp the kitchen and why has it tripled in size?” said @carolehenderson6. “So the Rover’s back room is now a TARDIS to the bistro kitchen?” inquired @carbonkid1985. “I want to know when the rovers had an extension and kitchen refurb,” said @thefuturemrsd.

According to @suetaylorxx, “The rovers kitchen was never that big.” “I have way too many questions about that kitchen in the Rovers #Corrie,” wrote @SamCEllis in a post. “Wait…that kitchen is in the Rovers…really!!! #Corrie,” tweeted @i71Sheriff. Added by @bosdovja92: “? I apologize. Is it just me, or have we never seen the Rovers kitchen before? LOL #corrie.”

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