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Emmerdale spoilers – Rhona loses in court after horrifying display from Gus

Gus continues to tell falsehoods (Image: ITV)

In forthcoming episodes of Emmerdale, Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) will have to endure a court appearance as she stands trial for snatching baby Ivy.

As viewers are aware, an embryo that Rhona and her ex-husband Gus Malcolms (Alan McKenna) had frozen during their marriage was used to produce the child. In an effort to have a child with his wife Lucy, Gus tried to utilize the embryos without Rhona’s consent.

Rhona and her family took on the role of caring for the newborn when Lucy unfortunately passed away shortly after the delivery, as Gus was unable to handle his sorrow over his wife.

Rhona’s genetic connection to the kid drove her to behave ferociously when Gus said he was taking his daughter and leaving to France. With infant Ivy, Rhona fled the community.

At last, Rhona has her stressful court day (Image: ITV).

What occurs when the trial starts was explained to us by Zoe Henry.

She arrives to the stand at the very end. She said, “I think Gus goes in first and he’s pretty vile about her, which she expected.”

Gus makes careful to embellish the tale in order to portray Rhona in the worst possible light.He applies a lot of pressure.

The one who discusses drug addiction is him. (After being raped, Rona developed a painkiller addiction); “The kidnapping and how she abandoned her other two children.” Zoe said, “He couldn’t be more damning if he tried.”

When everyone stands up and reveals the truth—which is the truth, but it’s quite damning—that’s what makes this narrative compelling. No matter how hard you try, what Rhona has done is very terrible and cannot be justified.

After hearing Gus’s deplorable remarks, Rhona becomes enraged and snaps at him when she gets up to testify. She subsequently realizes that her actions have reinforced the negative impression that Gus has been attempting to give of her and won’t have pleased the jurors.

Rhona is completely shocked to learn that she could be about to lose Ivy and her freedom as the jury retires to deliberate after seeing Gus’s arrogant face.

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