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Amy saves stranger from sick rapist in terrifying scenes in Coronation Street spoiler video

According to a new spoiler video, Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) will save a stranger in future Coronation Street scenes.

Amy feels compelled to support other women who could encounter similar circumstances after being sexually assaulted by her ex-friend Aaron Sandford earlier this year, and she plans to do just that when she visits a bar.

Actress Elle Mulvaney said, “Amy is setting out to catch men who are predators.” She makes the decision to go out and see if she can catch any males in the act since she believes that many men go out just to prey on inebriated ladies.

Additionally, after hearing about Kate’s experience being spiked at a party, she makes the decision to go attempt and figure out who exactly did it. She makes the decision to enter the club and look around.

“She’s searching for anybody who seems a little off, or who she believes could be there for another reason,” and that’s how she finds Dan.”

Amy greets Dan (picture courtesy of ITV)

Amy and Dan start talking at the bar in the spoiler video, but as Amy turns to leave, she sees that Dan has spiked a drink.

Amy intervenes forcefully to stop him after realising, while she is still observing him, that he is about to deliver the drink to the lady he is flirting with.

She manages to knock the drink over the lady by barging in between them and using it as a pretext to drag her away to the toilet while pretending to assist her in drying off.

Actually, Amy intends to inform the lady of Dan’s precise whereabouts.

The lady is really tough to talk to at first because she is inebriated and believes she has hit the jackpot—that is, she has a great date for the evening. It’s very difficult since Amy is attempting to convey to her the potential repercussions if she hadn’t intervened.

After the lady eventually departs after she manages to speak with her, Amy decides to handle things herself with Dan.

Amy will return to Dan after the events in the spoiler footage and make a flirtatious introduction. However, what plans does she have, and is she endangering herself?

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