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ITV Coronation Street’s Max’s involvement in Lauren’s disappearance ‘confirmed’ in new scene

Coronation Street’s Roy Cropper appeared to hint Max Turner had something to do with Lauren Bolton’s disappearance, or at least Roy believes so, after a memory resurfaced

A character’s connection to Lauren Bolton’s disappearance on Coronation Street may have been made public amid suspicions that she was killed.

When Lauren vanished in February, nobody knew where she had gone. Police started treating the case as a murder inquiry after discovering blood and human tissue remnants in her apartment along with what may have been a murder weapon.

In an effort to have Roy Cropper freed from jail after being accused with her murder, his family is investigating the true events that led to her death. But then he recalled something that could truly hold the answer to who was responsible for Lauren’s disappearance.

Roy seemed to remember something from about the time she vanished, but the audio was muffled and the image was hazy. He realized there was a moment at the café between Lauren and her friend Max Turner as he struggled to recall what he had seen.

In the present, Roy is unable to resolve the situation between Max and Lauren as she replies to him. However, Roy did make a look that suggested he had figured out who it was about, if not what it was about, when the screen focused on Max.

There may have been a connection between a character on Coronation Street and Lauren Bolton’s disappearance. (Photo: ITV)

It seemed to imply that Roy believed, at the very least, that Max knew more than he was admitting. Does this mean that Max is more involved than we think, or that he may truly be aware of Lauren’s whereabouts and the true story of her disappearance?

Lauren seemed as if Max was asking, “Is everything alright?” She then implied that everything was OK before they both grinned. Watchers will have to stay tuned to learn the significance of everything and if Roy is able to piece together precisely what he saw.

The meaning of the sequence confused several of the viewers, with one questioning on X, “Max?” and another wondering, “Why’s Roy got max in his memory?” “Is Roy having visions from beyond the grave that Max murdered Lauren?” inquired a third viewer.

One more perplexed admirer asked, “Why is Roy seeing Max?” Roy will appear in further scenes on Friday, so maybe he can provide some clarification!

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