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TIME TO TALK Maria Connor and Gary Windass make huge decision about Liam in Coronation Street

Gary was left hurt by Maria’s words during a recent argument over the teen

In Coronation Street, MARIA Connor and Gary Windass make a significant choice regarding Liam.

Following his harassment at school by school thug Mason and his friends, the teenager has had a rough few months.

Maria Connor and Gary Windass make a huge decision about Liam in Coronation StreetCredit: ITV
Maria has been home schooling her son after his bullying ordealCredit: ITV

Mason confronted Liam, played by Charlie Wrenshall, with a knife, and things got so terrible that he thought about ending his own life.

Fortunately, his mother Maria caught on to what was happening in time, and she has been homeschooling her kid ever since.

Despite the thug’s attempts to frighten Liam and Dylan Wilson into not testifying against him in court, Mason was sent to a young offenders institution in recent weeks after they bravely provided evidence against him.

However, Liam’s experience has left a lasting impression, and in future episodes on Coronation Street, Gary and Maria talk about private therapy for Liam.

Gary offers selling the factory to raise the money, but Liam, who is quite disturbed, listens in.

Later in the week, Liam searches for benzodiazepines on Google to help him cope with his anxiety.

Liam is happy to have Joseph join him for the judo class.

The family is currently experiencing more drama than this; earlier this month, Gary was discovered to be in a compromising circumstance.

After becoming concerned for Liam, Maria (Samia Longchambon) put a covert concealed camera in her house.

The single mother had an argument with Gary after Liam said he was ready to return to school, but she would not listen to him.

She hinted that Gary had no say in the situation because Liam is not his biological son, which strained relations.

Later, after learning that his partner Damon Hay had received a six-year prison sentence, Gary found himself consoling his former girlfriend Sarah Platt.

The two had no idea that Maria was using her phone’s camera to watch them, and an inebriated pass had been made.

Liam is deeply troubled after overhearing them make plans for him to go to private therapyCredit: ITV

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