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Emmerdale legend critiques much-loved characters: ‘They should not be there!’

Rhona and Marlon’s relationship is in a difficult place (Picture: ITV)

On May 7, a special episode of Emmerdale will reveal the true nature of two of the show’s most problematic relationships.

Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) and Tom (James Chase) extend an invitation to Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) and Marlon Dingle (Mark Charnock) to a dinner party, along with the romantic couples Paddy (Dominic Brunt) and Mandy (Lisa Riley) and Vanessa (Michelle Hardwick) and Suzy (Martelle Edinborough).

Zoe Henry explained to us how this episode isn’t structured like the others.

In essence, it is a two-part episode. The first one is the obvious stuff, the things you can see happening. Marlon and Rhona’s dysfunctional relationship is the main focus here, and it’s genuine and awful right now. The identical event is repeated in the second half, but it focuses on the deeper issues. The unsaid, the secrets, the hidden motives.

Marlon was shocked to learn that Rhona had just broken her promise and altered the victim impact statement meant to save Gus Malcolms (Alan McKenna) a reduced sentence for fraud. Since then, the typically stable couple’s relationship has been very challenging.

“They’re not hiding it very well at all; it’s tense and stressful,” Zoe said. Rona is unable to take any action without Marlon snagging her neck or giving her the cold shoulder. Marlon feels deceived, to be honest. It’s an unwinnable scenario.

They are definitely not the best people to invite to a dinner party because of this tension, and Zoe explained how it goes down.

Things are stressful the day before they go to lunch in an attempt to try and preserve their marriage, but they manage to come to an understanding and decide to try and go on. After Marlon dashes to the restroom, Rhona tells him they’re go to Belle and Tom’s for dinner the next evening. Rhona has made the mistake of presuming that Marlon would undoubtedly want to go since it is a Dingle dinner party. False! He’s CRAZY! Without asking him, Rhona made yet another choice.

A disastrous supper at Belle and Tom’s place (picture: ITV)

This implies that, by the time they go to Belle and Tom’s, their relationship is, to put it mildly, chilly.

“There’s no way they should be there,” Zoe said. “These guests are the worst in the annals of bad guests.” They are also aware of that!

What begins as a terrible plan only becomes worse as more alcohol is drank and tensions rise, almost to the point where Rhona feels like she’s about to blow her marriage apart in front of their friends.

“They both overindulge in alcohol, irritate one another, and everything comes out—warts and all,” Zoe informed us.

“She feels hurt and humiliated by the way she and Marlon handled each other that evening and the days before.” And once she opens her lips, everything rushes out—it’s like a runaway train that she simply can’t stop.

Will Marlon and Rhona’s marriage endure this most recent turbulence? Zoe expressed her hope to us, but she also acknowledged the challenges ahead.

“I guess no relationship is infallible, but they’ve been through a lot together, especially in the last three years,” she moaned.

The emotional rollercoaster of the embryo narrative alone might shatter anybody. It’s the ideal storm when you combine it with Rhona’s decision to alter her mind in court without consulting Marlon.

Personally, I really hope that they are able to resume their course. But happiness doesn’t come with any turmoil, does it? Keep an eye on this place.

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