You are currently viewing Tom’s grim response in Emmerdale spoiler video as brave Belle slams him

Tom’s grim response in Emmerdale spoiler video as brave Belle slams him

In Emmerdale, Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) has anxiety while Tom King (James Chase) makes every effort to avoid “getting help.”

After hitting Belle in the stomach in tonight’s episode of the ITV soap opera, Tom spent the rest of the day controlling her.

This horrifying incident happened during one of the couple’s previous arguments. Tom later attempted to win Belle around to his way of thinking, but she told him she needed time alone and sent him on his way.

Tom told Belle a sob tale when he got home in the hopes that she would finally feel sorry for him, and it succeeded. He said that he doesn’t always trust himself and that he truly doesn’t want to lose Belle since he has already lost so many other significant individuals in his life.

Belle was left completely terrified by her husband (Picture: ITV)

Tom assured Belle he would seek assistance. (Image: ITV)

Tom informed Belle at the conclusion of the show that he would inquire about receiving mental health assistance the following day. She believed Tom and accepted it, but after seeing this latest footage, she is beginning to wonder.

Tom arrives downstairs and we see Belle using her laptop. She talks about Tom seeking assistance and looking into CBT and therapy in a polite and friendly manner, but he tries to sidestep the topic by talking about eating.

Belle wonders why Tom isn’t trying to take action right now, even though he assures her that he meant what he said about talking to someone.

We are well aware that Tom has no desire to discuss his issues with a physician.

Tom will finally tell the doctor that Belle, not he, is the one with anger management issues when he sees Liam (Jonny McPherson).

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