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Shocking scenes as Evelyn is attacked by local teen in Coronation Street spoiler video

In next scenes on Coronation Street, Evelyn Plummer (Maureen Lipman) is eager to demonstrate her support for the anti-spiking rally. However, the gang gets more than they bargained for when they are assaulted by bully Mason (Luca Toolan) and his associates.

As they are ready to march in favor of anti-spiking, Evelyn brings her daughter Cassie (Claire Sweeney) along to meet Amy Barlow and Summer Spellman (Elle Mulvaney and Harriet Bibby) outside the café.

Even though they are so little in number, Amy and Summer are eager to show their support for Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor) by holding up their placards high as they march to the town hall.

Cassie finds the practice to be very pointless, but Evelyn quickly corrects her, and Summer urges her to embrace her inner Emmeline Pankhurst.

Amy, Cassie, Evelyn and Summer head out on their march (Picture: ITV)

Unfortunately, Mason and his friends, some immature schoolboys, don’t take it well and start to oppose the gathering.

Cassie mockingly congratulates Mason on his reading ability as he obscenely reads aloud Evelyn’s placard.

The lads don’t stop making fun of the cause, and soon enough they’ve infuriated Amy.

Actress Elle Mulvaney said, “She just loses it because she doesn’t know how to cope with the fact that it isn’t all going to plan.” This happens when she encounters someone who has the exact opposite vibe and is attempting to put her down.

She’s got so much invested in this march succeeding; she has to take action and assist others, and now someone is obstructing her. She reacts angrily because she sees that as a personal attack on him.

Amy tries to beat Mason with her placard as he keeps making fun of her, but a passing police officer stops her.

After spray painting a police officer’s car, Amy is ultimately arrested in the events depicted in the film.

Amy is obviously having trouble, but will she ask for assistance or just keep hitting out?

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