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CORRIE-FIC Coronation Street bullying plot takes a sickening twist as Liam Connor is threatened with a knife

Mason Radcliffe’s behaviour reaches a dangerous level.

For the children of Weatherfield, things will only get worse when Mason Radcliffe keeps causing trouble the next week.

Next week on Coronation Street, Liam Connor will become the bully’s next victim when the young man holds him at knifepoint.

Mason Radcliffe decides to let his anger out against Liam ConnorCredit: ITV
Liam tries to take a stand when Mason confronts himCredit: ITV
But could he get hurt?Credit: ITV

Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) has been the focus of the capricious youth played by Luca Toolan, who has been forcing him to carry out his dirty job.

However, he also succeeded in tricking Dylan into handing him a pair of ostentatious trainers that his father, Sean Tully (Antony Cotton), had given him.

Sean approaches Dylan and asks about his lost footwear, promising to call the school to find out more.

Liam Connor (Charlie Wrenshall) gestures to Dylan as he leaves, but Dylan ignores him.

When Liam becomes enraged, his stepfather Gary Windass (Mikey North) notices. Will he make an effort to make amends?

Later on, Dylan alerts Mason of Sean’s plan to report his lost trainers while they are at school.

After telling Mrs. Crawshaw that Liam had taken Dylan’s trainers, Mason makes the decision to move quickly to clear his name along with Conch.

Liam realizes he’s been stitched up when Mrs. Crawshaw checks his locker.

Mason is unfortunate since Liam chooses to defend himself because he doesn’t go down without a fight.

Later on, Liam shows Dylan every unpleasant message Mason had sent him.

Mason continues to act out despite Dylan’s insistence that he block the number.

Mason confronts Liam in school, threatening to hurt his mother Maria (Samia Longchambon) if he tells Gary about him once more.

Dylan receives some money from Gary and Maria, who advise him and Liam to put their differences aside and see a movie.

Dylan apologizes to Liam for the altercation at school, but Liam runs away as Mason gets close.

Liam, determined not to be frightened, knocks the phone out of Mason’s hand as soon as he starts shooting photographs.

Mason, nevertheless, has one more trick in his sleeve that proves he can do anything to frighten Liam: he takes out a knife.

Might Liam suffer harm?

Will Dylan step up to save his friend from getting stabbed?

Liam is framed for stealing Dylan’s missing trainersCredit: ITV
Will Mason manage to send him back to hospital again?Credit: ITV

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