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SECRET CHATS Ruby Fox-Miligan’s shocking connection with Emmerdale newcomer revealed in new spoilers

Ruby is overheard talking to another villager by Ethan Anderson and he’s left shocked by what he hears

New spoilers expose RUBY Fox-Miligan’s unexpected bond with an Emmerdale newbie.

Ruby came to the town at the start of the year to spend time with her husband Caleb, who had become estranged.

Ethan Anderson is left shocked after spotting an interaction between Ruby Fox-Miligan and a fellow newcomerCredit: ITV
Ethan listens in as Ruby speaks to Rose JacksonCredit: ITV
What is Rose hiding?Credit: ITV

She has since had disagreements with Moira and most of the Dingle family.

But her family has come together for her when her son Nicky was admitted to the hospital earlier this month.

When Ethan Anderson’s car crashed, Nicky was a passenger, and the solicitor left his buddy comatose by the side of the road.

But he told his father Charles everything, and Charles denounced him to the police. Ruby discovered that he was the one who had left her kid behind as he was being detained.

Ethan attempts to make the most of his time before he could be arrested in future Emmerdale episodes.

However, when he is out and about, he witnesses Ruby conversing with Rose Jackson, another newbie.

Will Taylor’s ex-wife Rose is the estranged mother of Dawn Taylor, who is going through a terrible time as a parent after learning that her infant son Evan has leukaemia.

But since arriving in Emmerdale, Rose has been acting strangely, and after hearing what she said to Ruby, Ethan is taken aback by what he hears.

Determined to make the most of his last hours of freedom, Ethan confides in Charles his worries over Dawn.

What, however, did he hear? What is Rose doing, anyway?

Charles encourages Ethan to leave Dawn a message on her voicemail.

After that, while they get ready for court, Ethan and Charles have a deep chat. However, when Charles comes back into the room from the kitchen and discovers Ethan has unexpectedly fallen to the ground, he becomes very upset.

As Manpreet, Charles’ colleague, attempts in vain to revive Ethan, there is growing fear at Woodbine.

Charles is scared because he thinks the worst.

Dawn, meantime, is worried after listening to Ethan’s message.

Ethan later collapses and Manpreet tries to resuscitate himCredit: ITV

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