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DS Lisa Swain is forced to break some big news in Coronation Street – as a major villain is allowed to walk free

Upcoming scenes on Coronation Street will have DS Lisa Swain (Vicky Myers) breaking some terrible news: a prominent criminal gets off the hook.

After supervising Lauren Bolton’s (Cait Fitton) case, Lisa was able to apprehend the offending male in the most recent scenes.

It will be evident to viewers that Joel Deering (Calum Lill), who had been coercing Lauren into keeping silent about his participation, was the guilty party.

But after Betsy Swain (Sydney Martin) accused the barrister of abusing her, Lisa started to have doubts about him in the most recent scenes.

Even though Joel was able to use conversation to get out of Lisa’s questioning, she dug further and her suspicions increased when she discovered that Joel had served as Lauren’s attorney before to her disappearance.

DS Lisa Swain isn’t having a good week (Picture: ITV)

Joel’s fiancée, Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown), had her own suspicions, and during a hospital visit, Dee-Dee was able to obtain the complete truth from Lauren.

The bad news is that Joel was eventually freed from detention, and further sequences will reveal this.

In the most recent video, Lisa asks DI Costello what he wants. The investigator informs that the Joel Deering investigation has crumbled and they must “wind down” on it.

Joel was Lauren’s attacker (Picture: ITV)
Lauren finally admitted the truth to Dee-Dee (Picture: ITV)

Additionally, Lisa’s supervisor expresses her frustration, saying that Roy and Nathan’s erroneous arrests haven’t benefited them.

Lisa is advised to focus other cases that they have a chance of winning, but she is still adamant and assures Costello they can discover proof connecting Joel to Lauren despite the remarks.

Worried, Swain declares that if Joel were freed, he would just target Lauren or another impressionable girl. Despite her best efforts, DI Costello ultimately makes the final decisions and the investigation is closed.

Lisa’s troubles don’t end there, though, as Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) soon approaches her and asks whether the allegations that Joel drugged Lauren to abort her child are true.

It will be known to viewers that Lauren announced her pregnancy with Joel’s child upon her return to Weatherfield.

Joel gave Lauren a medicine to start a labour early because he knew that this would implicate him. Thankfully, baby Frankie lived despite his premature birth.

Betsy listens in as Daniel grills the detective, but what will she hear?

In another scene, Lauren runs into Joel while heading to see Frankie, and she is shocked. Will it pain the cops to let him go?

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