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Coronation Street

Coronation Street spoilers: Major new Evelyn story to come as she finds herself in serious danger

Evelyn will find herself in danger in a new storyline (Picture: ITV)

With the death of her cherished pet dog Cerberus and the arrival of her estranged daughter Cassie (Claire Sweeney), Evelyn Plummer (Maureen Lipman) has had a turbulent year on Coronation Street.

However, as showrunner Iain MacLeod disclosed, there is still a lot more in store for the well-liked character.

We effectively narrowed down the list of things that the viewers loved by saying that they loved Evelyn and dogs, as who doesn’t love dogs? He clarified.

And we decided to write a tale about it. In actuality, it ends up in quite severe area. Evelyn, however, sets herself up as a bit of an adversary right on when she witnesses a man abusing his dog.

From then, things become complicated to the point that Evelyn and Cassie are in grave danger, have to go to the hospital, and have to appear in court.

Actress Maureen Lipman’s abilities were one of the reasons Iain disclosed that they were creating this plot.

We actually saw it as a chance to accomplish a few things. First of all, see Maureen being assertive, intelligent, kicking assholes, and calling names.

He also said that it would allow the program to go more into the tense relationship between Cassie and Evelyn, who have had a difficult time getting along ever since Cassie came back into Evelyn’s life.

They mostly find themselves on the same team in this scenario, so it’s a chance to examine their interaction.

As is her preference, Cassie pushes things too far, which really irritates Evelyn. In order to threaten to ruin their relationship once again. But in the end, they’ve managed to reach a new balance, gained fresh insight into one another, and, in a way, have finally come to know one another as adults.

Iain continued to compliment Maureen and Claire’s connection, expressing how much he had liked Evelyn and Cassie’s relationship.

“I have to admit that Evelyn and Cassie have captivated me from the very first scene they gave us in the hospital.” We haven’t even begun to explore the vast hinterland there, which I find to be very intriguing.

“Claire has been a complete revelation in that artwork, and you can sense the chemistry between her and Maureen.” When you cast a role, you kind of assume you know what to expect from the moment, but occasionally the performance simply blows you away. I can’t help but feel that every time I see them two together, which is why I’m so thrilled about that tale.


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