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ITV Coronation Street’s Sam Aston and wife announce pregnancy after devastating twin loss

Sam Aston and Briony are to become parents again (Image: WireImage)

Coronation Street actor Sam Aston and his wife Briony have announced they are expecting their third child together but in a heartbreaking admission, shared they had lost a twin

Sam Aston of Coronation Street is getting ready to become a father for the third time.

The ITV soap opera star who portrays Chesney Brown is parents to three-year-old son Sonny and eighteen-month-old daughter Daisy. The pair had previously had two devastating miscarriages that happened within four months of one other.

The 30-year-old and his spouse have now disclosed that, while they were expecting twins, the Vanishing Twin Syndrome tragically claimed one of the babies. When a baby stops developing, the embryo and tissue are absorbed by the mother. The pair acknowledges that they have wondered “what could have been,” but they also express gratitude for their family’s continued expansion.

They expressed their happiness over the pregnancy and noted that it was “very bittersweet” in a recent interview. A midwife discovered their twin pregnancy during a scan, which revealed two non-identical twins growing in distinct amniotic sacs with individual placentas. But Briony acknowledges that she would not have realised she was carrying twins if they hadn’t had an earlier ultrasound.

Sam and Briony are hoping to have a homebirth with their third child
The couple revealed they suffered a devastating loss ( Image: samaston93/Instagram)

“It does explain why I was so sick and tired this time around compared to my other pregnancies,” she said to OK! Magazine. Sam, who has played Chesney for 20 years, shared his first response and said he was “shocked” before wondering whether he and his wife would have had a boy and a girl. He continued: “Like Briony says, it’s definitely bittersweet, but we just feel very grateful that the other baby is absolutely fine.”

During the 12-week exam, the actor said, his wife “breathed a big sigh of relief” when they found a “strong heartbeat” and observed their baby moving, indicating that the kid is well. After Briony underwent a blood test, the actor and his wife learned the gender of their baby daughter. She insisted, nonetheless, that they were expecting a second son.

Briony, who had a list of boy names ready, found out their daughter’s gender with mixed emotions; she now thinks their lost child may have been a boy. The couple has given their lost twin a name in secret, even though they haven’t settled on a name for their child yet.

The trainee midwife, Briony, continued by saying that she hopes to give birth at home and made the joke that she would rather be anywhere else. In the past, she and Sam welcomed their daughter Daisy into their house, had tea and toast, and then immediately went to bed.

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