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Coronation Street reveals Aadi Alahan’s fate after carbon monoxide scare

Will someone find him in time?

The outcome of Aadi Alahan’s carbon monoxide scare on Coronation Street has been made public.

There were terrifying scenes on Friday’s (January 12) episode when Aadi may have perished if he hadn’t realised his apartment’s carbon monoxide detector wasn’t working properly.

Following Aadi’s startling kiss with his sister Asha’s lover Nina Lucas earlier in the week, the entire event transpired.

Asha became suspicious when her brother bought her an expensive birthday bracelet, which caused the pair’s attempt to disguise their kiss from her to fall apart throughout the episode.

Asha became enraged and showed up at her brother’s flat to throw the bracelet at him and declare she never wanted to talk to him again after Aadi and Nina admitted to kissing.

Asha was so furious that she was unaware her brother had succumbed to carbon monoxide poisoning and passed out on his sofa.

The only reason he was spared was because Amy Barlow had visited him following their argument earlier in the week.

Amy called Gav Adetiba to assist smash down the door and save Aadi before it was too late because there was no response at the flat.

At the hospital, Aadi was informed that Amy’s prompt arrival to him had saved his life. When Asha eventually showed up to see her brother, he sheepishly claimed that his kiss with Nina had no significance.

He gave his sister encouragement, saying, “You two are great together, you need to forgive her.”

While Asha accepted Aadi’s apology, she later told Nina that their relationship was over.


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