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Coronation Street spoilers: Cassie taken aback as Evelyn Plummer makes unexpected gesture to her

Huge progress! (Picture: ITV)

Things were challenging, to put it mildly, when Cassie (Claire Sweeney) went back to Evelyn Plummer’s (Maureen Lipman) life on Coronation Street.

Cassie learned in her first storyline that her mother Evelyn had spent years living with Tyrone Dobbs (Alan Halsall) and his family. Evelyn was hesitant to bring Cassie to the Stape/Dobbs family because of her daughter’s drug background, but she had other plans.

Chaos-loving Cassie made her way to Weatherfield, where she introduced herself as Tyrone’s mother. Tyrone was shocked by this because he had always assumed his birth mother had passed away.

Tyrone made the decision to get to know Cassie despite her secrets and falsehoods, but it wasn’t simple.

Cassie means well, but she gets into problems a lot. (Image: ITV)

She made several mistakes while attempting to abstain from the narcotics; one of these led to her being hospitalized when Hope (Isabella Flanagan) discovered her outside on the ground.

But over the past few months, Cassie has gradually revealed to her family that, despite her faults, she values her relationships with her loved ones above all else.

In next episodes, Evelyn will be thinking a lot about her daughter’s positive transformation, which is why she will make lunch and buy Cassie a drink afterward.

Cassie is confused by the behavior, but later on in the pub, when she raises a toast with her mother and they both decide to move on from the past, there is a significant improvement.

It’s a tipping moment, but will Cassie continue to act in an unsettling manner?

Or is this going to be the last of it?

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