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Coronation Street legend hospitalised after collapse horror as Lauren twist confirmed

Roy Cropper collapses and is taken to hospital next week as the Coronation Street legend tries to remember exactly what happened in the moment leading up to Lauren Bolton’s disappearance

In forthcoming events on Coronation Street, Roy Cropper is taken to the hospital by ambulance.

In the hopes of speaking with Nina Lucas (Mollie Galalgher), he phones the café. Shona Platt (Julia Goulding) answers and hands the phone to Carla Barlow (Alison King). Carla hangs up, claiming the call was suspicious, and quickly leaves.

Roy (David Neilson), incarcerated, had a second flashback in which he sees Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) and Max Turner (Paddy Beaver) approaching the café counter. However, he is unable to decipher the significance of their exchange.

Roy becomes agitated and loses his train of thought as a jail guard knocks on the door. Bobby Crawford, played by Jack Carroll, tells Carla at the workplace that he believes Roy should have stayed quiet about the false statement or the police would have called by now.

When Nina Lucas visits Roy Cropper in jail, the beloved Coronation Street character is nowhere to be seen. (Photo: ITV)

When the jail guard opens Roy’s cell and discovers him lying on the ground, Nina tells him she is waiting for him in the visiting area. Later in the week, Patti Clare’s character Mary Taylor pays a lonely Roy a visit in the hospital.

Mary tells Roy not to give up because he will eventually remember the facts of the discussion he overheard between Max and Lauren. Roy admits that he continues trying to recall the details because he feels convinced it’s important.

Roy is discovered on his cell floor, unconscious. (Photo: ITV)

Amy Barlow (Elle Mulvaney) agrees to bring attention to the police’s plan to film a reconstruction of Lauren’s final known movements at the café once Nina discloses this information.

Roy informs Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) over the phone while she is incarcerated about Lauren’s necklace and the possibility of finding her unidentified lover if they can determine where it came from.

At the moment, Roy is held accountable for Lauren Bolton’s disappearance.

Roy is now being held accountable for Lauren’s abduction and alleged murder, because she has been gone for months. Will Roy be able to confirm his innocence at last after many weeks of uncertainty?

ITV1 and ITVX broadcast Coronation Street at 8 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

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