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Big shock as two Emmerdale icons quit their jobs

Nicola has to make a decision (Picture: ITV)

When two of Emmerdale’s main characters quit their employment after family tragedies, it will mark the end of an era for them.

Being on the council has given Nicola King (Nicola Wheeler) a great deal of pride. Nicola enjoys being the centre of attention and significant, and serving as a council member has allowed her to do just that in the community. She was thinking about running for mayor, in fact.

Then something unexpected happened. Following the passing of Cathy Hope (Gabrielle Dowling), Nicola’s daughter Angelica King (Rebecca Bakes), and Heath Hope (Sebastian Dowling) in an automobile accident, Nicola was taken aback when 14-year-old Angelica admitted to being behind the wheel when the vehicle lost control and Heath was killed.

In order to keep Angelica out of jail, Nicola’s husband Jimmy King (Nick Miles) devised a scheme and trained her to lie to the police about what had transpired. Jimmy believed that Cathy was still at fault since she had taken the automobile, and he was just acting to protect his daughter.

After overhearing her parents discussing how tough it was for Cathy and Heath’s father Bob Hope (Tony Audenshaw), Angelica hurried to the B&B and made a formal confession there as well. She was taken into custody for driving recklessly and causing fatalities.

After all of this, Nicola realises that her position on the council is unsustainable and she resigns from it with sadness.

The family are facing a stressful time (Picture: ITV)

Essentially, it seems like Nicola is thinking to herself while she is a firefighter, “It’s likely that I’ll be asked to leave if my daughter gets a conviction, so I might as well go in there and resign before it happens.” Tells us, Nicola Wheeler.

While the Kings prepare for the possibility that their kid may go to jail, Jai Sharma, the neighbour played by Chris Bisson, is also grieving the loss of a family member.

Jai makes a major decision (Picture: ITV)

Jai just discovered that Rishi’s brother Amit (Anil Goutam), who is really his biological father, was with his loving father Rishi Sharma (Bhasker Patel) when he passed away last year.

Jai continues to have suspicions, though Amit disputes them, that he may have forced Rishi to fall down the steps and die.

Jai has already attempted to stop Amit from entering his place of employment and they have already had many run-ins at the Hide.

Jai is furious and the two men start fighting again as soon as Gabby Thomas (Rosie Bentham) discloses that Amit has purchased a stake in the company.

Jai attempts to avoid Amit by calling in ill, but his actions and his conflict with Amit irritate Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy).

When Gabby starts treating him condescendingly, Jai feels as if everything has reached a low point, and he immediately quits.

Dejected, Laurel wonders whether there’s anything she can do to make Jai and Amit well, but if so, is it too late?

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