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COBBLE TROUBLE Evelyn Plummer makes a devastating discovery about daughter Cassie in Coronation Street

How will Evelyn react when she finds out another one of Cassie’s secrets?

Cassie Plummer is recalling unpleasant experiences related to the disappearance and alleged murder of Lauren Bolton.

When the troubled Coronation Street character divulges some information about her past, her inner circle is shocked.

Evelyn makes a huge discovery about Cassie next weekCredit: ITV
It all begins with a vigil for Lauren BoltonCredit: ITV
Lauren’s disappearance unearths bad memories for CassieCredit: ITV

Next week, there will be further efforts made to locate the missing adolescent Lauren Bolton, especially since the police think she may have been killed after discovering bloodstains in her apartment.

When the authorities came across fresh evidence, they promptly identified a suspect and Roy Cropper was taken into custody.

Roy was then singled out by internet bullies, which made things even worse and devastated everyone around him.

Next up on ITV is Lauren’s vigil in the precinct, whereupon Evelyn Plummer (Maureen Lipman), Asha Alahan (Sair Khan), Roy Cropper (David Neilson), Bobby Crawford (Jack Carroll), Max Turner (Paddy Bever), and Nina Lucas (Mollie Gallagher) come together.

However, other boys heckle Roy and record him on their phones as be talks to the crowd, praising Lauren and how much she meant to him.

Later on, Evelyn, Carla, and Nina advise Roy to remain quiet until the police ascertain Lauren’s true killer.

Roy doesn’t waver in the face of their entreaties.

Nina tells Carla in the café how concerned she is about Roy and wonders what the entrepreneur would do.

However, other boys heckle Roy and record him on their phones as be talks to the crowd, praising Lauren and how much she meant to him.

Later on, Evelyn, Carla, and Nina advise Roy to remain quiet until the police ascertain Lauren’s true killer.

Roy doesn’t waver in the face of their entreaties.

Nina tells Carla in the café how concerned she is about Roy and wonders what the entrepreneur would do.

Evelyn is shocked to learn that Lauren is a sex worker after reading an article online.

Although Cassie Plummer (Claire Sweeney), Evelyn’s disturbed daughter, is shaken by the finding, Roy is insistent that he doesn’t want to know the facts.

When Cassie was first revealed as Tyrone Dobbs’ mother last year, she was thought to be deceased.

It was then shown that Cassie had led a life of waste and innumerable misfortunes, including a drug addiction, while she had been apart from Tyrone for decades.

When Cassie sees the story about Lauren’s sex business later that week at No. 9, she confesses to Tyrone (Alan Halsall) that it reminds her of some terrible experiences.

When Cassie discovers Evelyn and Daisy Midgeley (Charlotte Jordan) chatting about Lauren in the store, she becomes enraged.

Evelyn and Tyrone’s wife Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) are taken aback when Tyrone discloses that Cassie once had to turn to prostitution.

Does Tyrone, however, know the whole story?

What more might Cassie be concealing from her family members?

When Evelyn realizes how much Cassie must have endured during her absence, what would she do?

Is Cassie acquainted with anyone connected to Lauren’s abduction?

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00 p.m. on ITV, Coronation Street airs.

Cassie reveals she was once a sex workerCredit: ITV
Could she know somebody involved in Lauren’s disappearance?Credit: ITV

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