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Coronation Street spoilers tonight: Sam and Leanne interrupt Nick and Toyah’s last day together

What will they discover?
According to previews on Coronation Street for tonight, Monday, August 26, Nick and Toyah are taken aback when Leanna and Sam return home sooner than they had anticipated.

In another scene, Amy tells Ken that, thanks to Rowan and Leanne’s support, she has huge plans for her inheritance money.

The spoilers for Coronation Street tonight include all of this and more.

Nick is surprised at Leanne and Sam’s premature return (Credit: ITV)

Coronation Street spoilers: Nick and Toyah enjoy their last day together

The pair decide to enjoy one last day together ahead of Leanne and Sam returning, but things quickly turn sour when they arrive at the flat earlier than expected…

What will they discover when they enter?

Amy is encouraged to invest her money into the Institute (Credit: ITV)

Amy receives advice

Leanne looks for Rowan when she gets back, and he tells her about some things that have happened while she was away.

Leanne is informed by Rowan that Amy is uploading regularly today and that she is asking Leanne to continue to be a source of guidance for both the Institute and Amy.

He continues by saying that Amy has changed her mind about reinvesting her inheritance funds in the Institute. Rowan then suggests that Leanne think about relying on Nick to follow suit.

Later, Leanne chooses to support Amy during her upload and gives her some advise on her trauma. She informs Amy that in order to put negativity out of her head and get past her suffering, she has to revisit her prior events.

Leanne is taken aback to discover that Rowan is recording Amy’s emotional breakdown as she does this. How is Rowan going to utilize the tape?

Then Amy says she’s going to talk to Ken about investing, but he doesn’t seem excited about the idea.

Beth is angry to discover Sid is selling their T-shirts (Credit: ITV)

Beth’s fury

When Beth finds out that Sid is secretly selling their fake t-shirts in the market, she becomes enraged.

Playing detective, she follows him around the corner until she spots Kit coming up to the kiosk and chatting with Sid.

Beth chooses to remain hidden and observe as she is about to unveil herself.

What may Kit and Sid be talking about?

Dylan tenses as Mason and Betsy enter Roy’s (Credit: ITV)

Mason disappoints Stu

After Mason and Betsy enter Roy’s, Dylan feels uneasy.

He hears Mason telling Betsy that he hopes to rent a place close by for the two of them, and he is saving his money from Speed Daal.

Betsy also says that her mother is not at home, therefore her place is available. Mason is finally convinced by her to switch from his shift to hers.

Tyrone vows he will make the most of his time with Dorin (Credit: ITV)

Tyrone the doting father

Despite his conflict with Alina and the rest of his family, Tyrone promises to spend as much time as possible with Dorin back at the Dobbs’ house.

What will the new arrival mean for the girls and Fiz?

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