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Coronation Street spoilers: Evil bullies frame poor Liam for a crime

Liam discovers that he is confined (Image: ITV)

Liam Connor (Charlie Wrenshall) and Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) are both living miserable lives in Coronation Street because of school bully Mason (Luca Toolan).

A few weeks before, Dylan initiated a paper round in an effort to separate himself from Mason. Although Mason viewed it as an opportunity to shut Dylan down, it was a constructive method to make money. The act of grabbing the documents and tossing them into a puddle was sufficient to cause Dylan to lose his job.

Next, Dylan is questioned by Sean (Antony Cotton) on his lost footwear.

Liam gestures to Dylan as he leaves for school, but Dylan gives him the cold shoulder, and Gary (Mikey North) notices the rude attitude.

Dylan alerts Mason in the hallway about Sean’s plan to report the missing sneakers, so Mason and Conch take action and inform Mrs. Crawshaw that Liam took them!

Liam realises he’s been stitched up when Mrs. Crawshaw unlocks his locker!

For weeks, Mason has been harassing Dylan and Liam (Image: ITV).

After the naive teenager shows Dylan the offensive texts he’s been getting from Mason, Dylan advises him to block the number.

A vengeful Mason discovers Liam at school and threatens to harm Maria (Samia Longchambon) if he betrays him to Gary once again.

When Dylan gets home, Gary and Maria offer him some money and advise him to take Liam to the movies in order to put the past behind them.

Dylan apologises on the way for the incident at school, but a terrified Liam runs away from Mason.

Dylan, Mason, and Liam’s other friends surround him as he enters Victoria Court, calling him a rat and throwing garbage at him.

Mason begins to take photographs, but Liam knocks the phone from his grasp, which makes the bully take out a knife.

Will Liam be saved by anybody as things go worse?

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