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Emmerdale Caleb star William Ash confirms character death in just weeks

Next week, Caleb Milligan receives some shocking news (Picture: ITV)

In a shocking new plot, Caleb Milligan (William Ash) of Emmerdale will attempt to take advantage of a character’s approaching death.

Ruby’s (Beth Cordingly) dying mother Helen (Sharon Moore) is going to try to get in touch with her estranged daughter, Caleb, and her husband Caleb’s marriage is about to be upended.

Fans observed Ruby trying to contact a withheld number on Friday as she was leaving the hospital after the barn fire. Caleb answered and ordered them not to call again.

It turns out that it’s Ruby’s mother, who hasn’t seen her in thirty years, when they do try again the following week.

Actor William Ash tells us that because Helen and her husband disapproved of Ruby’s friendship with Caleb, they completely cut Ruby out of their life.

William, who characterises Helen’s contact as “completely out of the blue,” informs us that Helen called him after he had left a care facility, that he had no family, and that he felt beneath their daughter.

He simply doesn’t trust whatever she says because of her awful prior behaviour and deceptive tactics.

He makes the decision to go see what she truly wants because, if Ruby is on her deathbed, it’s possible that she needs some type of closure and that things may be resolved.

“It turns out that’s not the case.”

Ruby’s mother Helen is no longer with her; she disapproved of Caleb (Image: ITV).

As it becomes apparent that Helen is not going to have much longer, Caleb takes advantage of the circumstance to his advantage in an attempt to acquire enough money to buy Jimmy King’s stake in the haulage company.

William says, “What he does is devious, but he sees it for the greater good.” In order to obtain these shares, he says, “Okay, if you want to see your daughter, I want some money off you.”

“Ruby’s never going to get any inheritance from this woman, this woman has been awful to her, so I’m going to make her pay for what she’s done,” is how Caleb justifies his actions.

“Although it appears to be a very cunning and sly move, Caleb sees it as a chance to protect Ruby and Caleb’s future as well as retaliation for everything she did to her all those years ago.”

He continues, “Caleb is afraid because Ruby is constantly being harmed by Helen, and Ruby finds it extremely difficult to deal with family matters.” He will so merely do everything in his power to keep her safe.

William acknowledges that Ruby probably won’t view it that way when she finds out, though.

Ruby became entangled in the barn fire. (Image: ITV)

He clarifies, saying, “I think he knows that she will be furious if she finds out he’s been to see Helen and he went behind her back.” It will truly be a question of whether she can ever trust him in the future.

“There are a lot on the queue at that moment.”

William also discusses how viewers will be able to reveal more about Ruby’s character as a result of meeting Helen.

We have only touched the surface of her issues, and she is quite fragile due to the way her family abused her. The problem with this backstory turning into a story is that it explains Ruby’s actions and fills in all the blanks.

Will Ruby be able to make amends with her mother in time for her death?

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