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Emmerdale spoilers: Killer Kim issues a murderous warning to Caleb as he confronts her over Craig’s death

Kim is anxious. (Image: ITV)

Even if he and Kim Tate (Claire King) are no longer at odds, Caleb Milligan (William Ash) seems eager to take advantage of every opportunity to ruin her in Emmerdale.

It was discovered shortly after Caleb moved into the community that he is the son of Frank Tate.

Caleb, together with his son Nicky (Lewis Cope), intended to exact vengeance on Kim for leaving his father to die, but things went horribly wrong.

Kim concealed her money so that Caleb couldn’t take it once she discovered what he was up to. After realizing he had been duped, Caleb returned to the village and worked hard for many weeks to regain the trust of the locals.

In later episodes, Caleb is surprised to see that Kim seems to be feeling guilty whenever Craig’s (Ben Addis) death is brought up.

A few weeks earlier, it came to light that Craig’s death was caused by Kim’s horse Ice, despite Sam (James Hooton) believing the rapist passed away from wounds he received during their altercation.

Caleb becomes dubious (Image: ITV)

Kim is found in the village, and Caleb enjoys picking on her over Craig’s dying circumstances.

He smirks at the idea that he’s gone under Kim’s skin even as she begs him to back off.

Later, without realizing that Caleb is watching, Kim confides in Will (Dean Andrews) about him at the bar.

Caleb informs Nicky that he believes Kim was involved in Craig’s killing and that he is concerned for his brother after overhearing a conversation between Kim and Cain.

Caleb confronts Cain and questions him about Craig, but will he get the truth?


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