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Coronation Street

Police twist after fire rocks family to the core in Coronation Street spoiler video

In recent scenes on Coronation Street, a horrifying fire tore through the builder’s yard, trapping Ryan Russell’s character Michael Bailey and placing his life in jeopardy.

He was fortunately hauled to safety, but the mystery of how the fire started still remains.

Since the fire officer told PC Craig Tinker (Colson Smith) that the yard smelled like a white spirit, the police are keen to locate the answer to that precise question.

A new teaser trailer from the ITV soap opera has Craig knocking on the Bailey’s door and asking Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) to stop by the station so they can talk.

The policeman reminds Ed that he has to submit an official statement, even though he claims he has already talked to Craig when he was in the hospital.

Ed is obviously feeling the effects of the situation (picture courtesy of ITV).

Craig reiterated that he was merely following protocol and that he wasn’t accusing anybody of anything, even as Ed became more defensive. Michael then questioned Craig if he was accusing Ed of starting the fire.

Ed was shocked when Michael questioned him whether he had sparked the fire, a claim Ed adamantly denied.

Playing peacekeeper, Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) quickly intervened, telling Michael to take a nap while they spoke with DS Swain (Vicky Myers).

After this stressful encounter, Ed will confess to DS Swain that he accidentally knocked over a bottle of white spirit, but he won’t back down from his denial that he started the fire.

When Michael accuses him of lighting the fire as part of an insurance scheme, it breaks his heart when he gets home.

Will there ever be a reconciliation between a father and son?


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