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Emmerdale’s Beth Cordingly: ‘Bonkers’ Ruby goes too far as she goes on the attack in ‘Sopranos moment’

Ruby faces another challenge after Tracy and Caleb’s affair (Picture: ITV)

Ruby Fox-Milligan, played by Beth Cordingly in Emmerdale, is a confrontationalist, as Cain Dingle, played by Jeff Hordley, can attest to after he got kneed in the groin for upsetting his sister-in-law.

According to Beth Cordingly, Ruby’s actions occasionally even surprise her.

It’s unquestionably not the way to influence others and win friends. She smiled, “That’s not a life skill she’s learned.” When you receive the scripts, it may be extremely annoying because all you can think is, “Oh my God, she’s just rude to everybody.”

To grasp it, you must work out your own logic. The only explanation I can think of is that she seems to use assault as her greatest line of defense. She acts without thinking and speaks in a very instinctive and spontaneous manner. Ruby simply responds to things with extreme fervor and frequently feels terrible about it later.

Ruby’s ire turns toward Nate Robinson (Jurell Carter) in subsequent episodes, and fireworks ensue. Until now, Ruby and Nate had not been at odds because, like Ruby, he is one of the victims of Tracy (Amy Walsh) and Caleb’s (William Ash) extramarital affair.

Ruby consistently finds herself in a little bit of trouble (Image: ITV)

Beth explained what happens to make their relationship sour.

It originates from Nate. Understandably angry at the world, Nate is in a foul mood and says some inappropriate things to Nicky (Lewis Cope) and me. He truly acts impolitely toward Nicky, saying things like, “You two just do anything that Caleb asks you to,” “I’m a little lapdog,” and other things that irritate me tremendously. He then treats Nicky rudely and brings up his background, including what Caleb forced him to do to Gabby.

Ruby offers him the whole barrel, saying this is more than enough.

“She just goes all Sopranos, which is a classic Ruby trait,” Beth said. She completely falls in love with Nate and overreaches, as usual. She begins to belittle him, stating things like, “What weren’t you giving her?” and that there’s clearly a reason Tracy did what she did. Nate, poor old man!

Beth informed us that Caleb doesn’t take this incident well when he finds out. “When Caleb enters the pub after Nate has left, Nate remarks, “I don’t know who’s worse, you or your wife,” implying that we are both terrible people.


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