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ITV Coronation Street’s Lucy Fallon breaks down in tears as she recalls devastating miscarriage

Coronation Street’s Bethany Platt star Lucy Fallon has opened up about her devastating experience of suffering a miscarriage, in an upcoming episode of ITV’s Drama Queens

Following the unfortunate occurrence that occurred in 2022 for her and her boyfriend, Ryan Ledson, the 28-year-old actress Lucy Fallon of Coronation Street publicly shared her horrific miscarriage story. Lucy revealed her second pregnancy a few months after the first one ended in tragedy, and the couple joyfully welcomed their son Sonny into the world nine months later.

Lucy will now discuss her previous experience in an upcoming episode of Drama Queens on ITV, a personal reality show that gives fans behind-the-scenes looks at the lives of soap opera actresses. The Sun has released a tearful film of Lucy, who is best known for playing Bethany Platt on Coronation Street, ahead of this week’s episode.

“I fell pregnant for the first time in the first year that me and Ryan were together,” she says in the teaser, according to the Mirror.

Drama Queens fans should expect Lucy Fallon to come very candidly about her miscarriage experience in a future episode. (Photo: Uncredited)

Drama Queens fans should expect Lucy Fallon to come very candidly about her miscarriage experience in a future episode. (Photo: Uncredited)

Lucy pauses to gather herself at this point, then continues to describe what happened at the visit: “We went for the first scan, and I didn’t think anything would be wrong, and [the nurse] told us that there was no heartbeat.” that the infant had passed away.”

According to the report, she was seen crying as they celebrated Sonny’s birthday as Drama Queens was being filmed. She is said to have said that her family now seems “even more special” to her because of the “harder times” they went through before Sonny became pregnant, which were “filled with so much anxiety.”

Lucy Fallon said that she had a miscarriage two years before (Image: Getty Images).)

The actress did previously discuss her miscarriage experience in an interview with OK! back in 2022. She revealed that she and partner Ryan had a private scan at seven weeks during her first pregnancy. However, this will be the first time Lucy has discussed the experience in such detail on camera.

It was a terrible, traumatising moment, she said. It was really up and down. We had a scan, and they couldn’t find anything. After that, we went to the hospital, and they believed they had found something.”

The actress said that in addition to “feeling really unwell,” she was experiencing pregnancy symptoms, which were “getting worse” throughout the scans. It “made it more of a shock” when she received the heartbreaking news, according to her, since there had been “no signs” that she had miscarried.

Due to a terrible miscarriage, Lucy Fallon and Ryan Ledson sadly lost their first child. (Photo credit: WireImage)

The pair, she said, had “just assumed” that everything would “be fine”. Nevertheless, Lucy said that subsequent to a week’s worth of blood and other testing, she went back and was informed that she had miscarried.

During the interview, Lucy revealed that she was five months pregnant with Sonny and acknowledged that “you never expect it will happen to you, even though so many people go through it.”

It was a “really mentally challenging” encounter, according to her.

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